“But I don’t even know what I’d have a VA do…”

One of the most common expressions I hear when I'm talking to someone about virtual administration is "but I don't even know what I'd have a VA do." Let's talk about that.

One of the most common expressions I hear when I’m talking to someone about virtual administration is “but I don’t even know what I’d have a VA do.”

So let’s talk about that. Because I guarantee you that you have tasks that you either a) don’t enjoy doing, b) don’t do frequently enough to become efficient at, and/or c) aren’t the best use of your time.

Let’s do a little exercise. Grab a notebook/notepad/post-it/whatever and set it by where you work. If you work in the field, open a notepad file on your phone.

Notepad, pen, phone and coffee mug next to laptop

Every time you start working on something that is one of those 3 things? Make a note of it. What are you doing on a high level – the point of this is to make a quick note. Write down how long you spent doing it.

Do that every time you do something that is remotely administrative for a week. Total all that time up.

What you now have is a list of things you need from a VA and how much time you will get back. If you want, you can do this exercise for a month and then average it, but you now have a much better idea.

Think about what your hourly rate is and figure out how much money you’re leaving on the table doing that work yourself. Now you have a budget for your VA and an idea of how much time you’re looking to hire one for monthly as well as a task list.

Now, you’re ready to talk to a VA and get what you don’t want to do anymore off your plate.

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